The E-mail Connection Made Easy!

Simple to not so simple

The simplest way of making a link to your e-mail is with the mailto: protocol. Simply create a link and add the following text:
Just change to your e-mail address.

There are also three other things you can do; carbon copy, subject and message body. Carbon copy is used if you want to send the message to more than one mailbox. For example:,
this will send the message to two people and

You can also automaticly enter the subject of a message for the person who clicks on your e-mail link. This is handy when your e-mail address is on more than one page, it gives you some referance to what the message is about for example: e-mail connection.

Yes you can even type the message for them, this is acomplished with ?body= for example: are the coolest man alive.

Now of you want to string more than one of ?cc=, ?subject= and ?body= together you'll need to use an ampersand. For example: wanted to say&body=Your the coolest.

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Any questions should be directed to John Davidson